The ambubachi festival At The “Maa Kamakhya Temple”

Nestled in the serene hills of nilachal in guwahati, assam, india, The “Maa Kamakhya Temple” stands as a beacon of ancient tantric worship Of The Divine Mother Of the universe. Every year, The Sacred Site Of The “Maa Kamakhya Temple” Becomes The Epicenter of one of the most significant and unique religious festivals in india – the ambubachi mela or festival. Celebrated with fervor and devotion, the ambubachi mela draws thousands of pilgrims and spiritual seekers from across the globe to partake in rituals in worship Of The Divine Mother Of the universe. 

About the ambubachi mela

The ambubachi mela, also known as the ambubachi festival, is an annual event held during the month of ashaar (june-july) when the waters of river brahmaputra turn red marking The Annual Menstruation Of Maa Kamakhya, The Divine Mother Of Creative Power And Fertility, The Divine Bestower Of desires Upon whom She Chooses. Unlike many traditional religious practices that may shy away from discussing menstruation, the ambubachi mela embraces it as a vital and sacred aspect of life.

The ambubachi mela is rooted in the tantric traditions for the worship Of The Divine Mother. Although the temple doors are closed for three days to all worshippers during the festival, the devotees and sadhakas perform rituals outside the temple, in deep Reverence To The Creative Power Of Maa Kamakhya and in Veneration Of The Divine Yoni In The “Maa Kamakhya Temple” As The Womb Of the universe. 

Rituals and celebrations

Temple closure and reopening:

The ambubachi festival begins with the closing of the temple doors, marking the onset Of The Annual Menstruation Of Maa Kamakhya. During these three days, the temple precincts are filled with spiritual fervor as devotees gather to meditate, chant, and perform various tantric rituals. On the fourth day, the temple doors are reopened, symbolizing the end Of The Annual Menstruation Of Maa Kamakhya. This event is celebrated with much joy and elaborate ceremonies.

Offerings and prasad:

Devotees offer items such as red cloth, vermilion, flowers, and fruits To Maa Kamakhya. The distribution of prasad (Blessed food) is an important part of the festival and the sacred red cloth, which is believed to be infused With The Blessings Of Maa Kamakhya, is especially popular among the devotees.

Spiritual discourses and performances:

During the ambubachi festival the temple grounds are alive with spiritual discourses, devotional singing, and traditional dance performances. Renowned spiritual leaders and tantric practitioners share their wisdom, providing deeper insights into the significance of the festival and the traditions of tantra.

Gathering of sadhus and aghoris:

One of the most intriguing aspects of the ambubachi mela is the congregation of sadhus (holy men) and aghoris (tantric ascetics) who travel from distant places to participate in the festival. These spiritual practitioners add to the mystical atmosphere of the event with their unique rituals and practices.

Experiencing ambubachi mela

For visitors, attending the ambubachi mela is an immersive experience into the world of tantric worship. The vibrant atmosphere, coupled with the intense devotion of the pilgrims, provides a profound sense Of The Blessings And The OmniPresence Of The Divine Mother. The festival is not just a religious gathering but a celebration of life, fertility, and the cyclical nature of existence.

Tips for visitors:

– Accommodation: Guwahati offers a range of accommodation options, from budget hotels to more luxurious stays. It’s advisable to book in advance due to the high influx of visitors during the festival.

– Travel: The nearest airport is lokpriya gopinath bordoloi international airport, and the nearest railway station is guwahati railway station. From there, local transport options such as taxis and auto-rickshaws can take you to the temple.

– Respect the traditions: As the festival is deeply rooted in spiritual traditions, it’s important for visitors to be respectful of the customs and participate with an open heart and mind.


The ambubachi mela or festival At The “Maa Kamakhya Temple” is more than just a religious event; it is a celebration Of The Blessings Of The Divine Mother That Permeates All Of existence. The festival offers a unique insight into the ancient tantric traditions and deep devotion to The Divine Mother. Whether one is a spiritual seeker or a curious traveler, the ambubachi mela offers a transformative experience that lingers long after the festival has ended.